Oorverdovende stilte

2021 - 2022
People are in constant motion, rarely finding moments of peace through solitude. However, even in isolation, we are plagued by numerous unresolved thoughts stemming from the immense societal pressure for performance and unrealistic expectations. In my project, I seek liberation from external stimuli and expectations that are imposed upon us. This undertaking may seem unattainable, as it questions whether genuine peace can be experienced without being overshadowed by intrusive thoughts.

Oorverdovende stilte delves into the concept of the sublime, an elusive notion. The term "sublime" encompasses something that is both pristine and captivating, yet also overwhelming and perilous. I aspire to discover that overwhelming essence of the sublime within tranquility, a state that can be simultaneously magnificent and beautiful. This project represents my relentless pursuit of unfiltered serenity, a longing that persists within me.

Each exhibition showcases a distinct photographic work, as only one sublime experience can be encountered at each location.

Oorverdovende stilte (2022), STROOM, Van Otten Garage, Breda

A steel structure measuring 200 cm by 200 cm is mounted on the ceiling. The space is darkened with black curtains. Inside this dark room, there is an analogue black and white photo taken with a Hasselblad 500cm. The photo is printed, mounted on an MDF board, and attached to the ceiling using steel wire.

Oorverdovende stilte (2022), Climate Streamers, Bank15, Breda

The space is darkened by attaching black curtains to the pillars using rope. Inside this dark room, there is an analogue black and white photo taken with a Hasselblad 500cm. The photo is printed and attached to the ceiling using clips, nylon strings, and tape.